As an EL Instructional Specialist at Desoto County Schools, Daniel has over 15 years of experience in teaching and supporting English learners across different contexts and levels. His mission is to help ELs achieve academic success and language proficiency through effective curriculum development, assessment, and instruction.
In his current role, he works with secondary EL teachers and students, providing them with guidance, resources, and feedback to enhance their learning outcomes. He also collaborates with other specialists and administrators to ensure alignment with state standards and best practices. Additionally, he contributes to the field of language teaching through publications, research, and professional development, drawing on his training in TESOL.
He is fluent in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, and has a passion for literacy and cross-cultural communication. He has taught and worked with diverse ELs in South Korea, Japan, and the United States, gaining valuable insights and skills that inform my practice. He's originally from Brazil and grew up mostly in Nebraska. He's always eager to learn new strategies and approaches to improve his effectiveness as an EL educator.